• Doors Open: 6:30 pm
  • Price: £9.00

Rescheduled gig. Tickets from 24th June still valid. 10pm Curfew

Tickets are now available for Bama Lama Sing Song at Rescue Rooms.

You all know the drill, you awesome people!
Live band playing great songs that everyone knows.
There’s no singer…
The crowd sing the songs!
You’ll hear songs you expect and others you won’t – but you’ll know and LOVE them all.
Big grimaces, hugs, bad dancing, demonic voices, lots and lots of drunken hilarity, club night with the awesome Doodle Crew afterwards!
“Thank you SO much for such a fantastic night at the Rescue Rooms last night. The best night out I’ve had in ages. I ache all over and my voice is gone…..and I can’t wait to do it all again soon!!!” — Lucy
“It really is impossible not to get swept along with the atmosphere and positive vibes” — Hannah Larham, Audacious Face Music
“You may enter the building convinced that you won’t sing a note but when you realise you’re among friends, you won’t be able to stop yourself blasting out hit after hit with everyone else. You’ll feel the breeze of scores of fists punching the air, crumple on the floor in anguish as the music moves you, crease your brow in confusion as you read the lyrics projected on the screen and realise you’ve been singing the wrong words to Purple Rain for the last twenty years, then go home beaming and exhausted from what has been a physical and emotional work out that has made you feel connected to each and every person you’ve not shared the stage with. As the old saying goes: dance like nobody’s watching, sing like nobody’s listening.” — LeftLion Magazine, Nottingham
This night is always loads of fun, tell your friends, we want the loudest, the proudest and the rowdiest singers in town!
People of Nottingham, welcome to the party, lend us your ears and show us your lungs!





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